Frome Area Community Land Trust (FACLT) exists to create fairer housing for Frome


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A landmark decision for Frome

Like many in Frome we are excited by the Somerset Council decision to sell Saxonvale to Mayday. 
At last Mayday can start on their ambitious community-led plans for an extraordinary development at the heart of our town. We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Mayday on the affordable homes that make up a significant part of the project and hope that it will not be much longer before ‘spades are in the ground’ and new homes materialise. 

We applaud the commitment and dedication of the Mayday team over the past seven years, in particular Damon Moore, Kate Moore and Paul Oster, and Paul Clarke from Stories.  We recognise the widespread community support for the Mayday scheme on land which has been neglected for over 25 years. 

We eagerly anticipate a period where the people of Frome have their say about what they would like to see on the site and look forward to being part of a sustainable development which regenerates and breathes new life into our town centre.


Read more about Saxonvale and our involvement.

Please help strengthen our position by becoming a member of FACLT, it costs a minimum of only £1.
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House prices in Frome have risen over 25% since 2016 – one of the highest price increases in the UK.1


There are currently over 800 households with a local connection to Frome on the Homefinder Register waiting for a socially rented home. 2

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Between 2006 and 2022, only 23% of new homes built in Frome matched the government definition of ‘affordable.’ 3

1. SomersetLive, Evening Standard Homes & Property

2. Homefinder Somerset

3. Somerset Council.

Our Vision


 We want a town in which all sections of our community, in all housing tenures, have access to decent homes that meet their needs.

We recognise that there is a housing crisis in our town.

Our vision is that FACLT will lead the way, in partnership with others, in tackling this crisis over the coming years.

We aim to make a real contribution to the provision of genuinely affordable homes for local people in housing need. 

We will continually draw attention to the need for fairer housing in Frome and work with our community to realise all possibilities for creating it. 

We will ensure that those having real experience of the housing crisis and who are in need of genuinely affordable housing have their voices heard and opportunities to engage.


Our Projects


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