Like many in Frome we are excited by the Somerset Council decision to sell Saxonvale to Mayday.
At last Mayday can start on their ambitious community-led plans for an extraordinary development at the heart of our town. We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Mayday on the affordable homes that make up a significant part of the project and hope that it will not be much longer before ‘spades are in the ground’ and new homes materialise.
We applaud the commitment and dedication of the Mayday team over the past seven years, in particular Damon Moore, Kate Moore and Paul Oster, and Paul Clarke from Stories. We recognise the widespread community support for the Mayday scheme on land which has been neglected for over 25 years.
We eagerly anticipate a period where the people of Frome have their say about what they would like to see on the site and look forward to being part of a sustainable development which regenerates and breathes new life into our town centre.
Read more about Saxonvale and our involvement.
See our current and past events here
Read stories about local housing issues and FACLT’s projects.
Email: info@fromeareaclt.org
Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
Frome BA11 3EB
© Frome Area Community Land Trust. All rights reserved.