Welcome to our July newsletter… Summer has truly arrived and we are in slightly relaxed mode for a few weeks. The intensity of the last few months with the Fair Homes project has passed and we are drawing breath, looking ahead towards our next challenge. Our time must now be put firmly into searching for potential new sites, land where we can achieve our goal of providing genuinely affordable homes for local people in Frome. Although the need to withdraw the Fair Homes project was for us a disappointment, we are encouraged by the significant increase in awareness surrounding the need for more social housing. Frome has a reputation for being a compassionate and caring town and we are confident that the community will come together and join us in a bigger conversation as we continue our mission to address the housing crisis in this town….. read the full July newsletter here https://mailchi.mp/c2b97b48028e/faclt-july-2021-newsletter-10384116